Who Is S. Katz?
The name “Katz” is one of the oldest surnames in existence, its origins dating back to the creation of the Jewish priesthood as the twelve tribes of Israel were migrating toward their eventual homeland. Kohen, the status of priest, was conferred upon Aaron—brother of Moses—and his sons as an everlasting covenant with God.
It is a name that at times magnetized hate toward Jews who, after the destruction of the Temple, wandered into Europe—in the case of my ancestors, Germany. “Katz” in German is a Hebrew abbreviation for Kohen Zedek, “righteous priest.”
My father’s father changed our family name from Katz to Bernstein during one of those sieges. And yet, when it came time for me to publish fiction, I returned to the name Katz. Somehow it provides me the freedom and the courage to say what I feel called to say.
Now, in the spirit of simplification in a complex world filled with deception and rife with manipulation, I feel compelled to clarify the pen name S. Katz. May my writing serve to help heal the bigotry, divisiveness, and hate that have remained constant over the course of this material-scientific and concurrent religious-artistic-philosophical civilization.
Stuart A. Bernstein
10 December 2019
All photography courtesy of David Carlson,
taken at Bears Ears National Monument.